Written by: Sanjeev

10 Best Books For Entrepreneurs Which You Should Read For Inspiration

379 Shares More Books can be a great way to motivate yourself and get some inspiration. If you are looking to start your Entrepreneur journey and looking for some inspiration, here are some of the …

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Books can be a great way to motivate yourself and get some inspiration. If you are looking to start your Entrepreneur journey and looking for some inspiration, here are some of the best books for Entrepreneurs. You should check them out.

Best Books For Entrepreneurs

In the very recent years, many people want to opt for occupations which are different rather than doing the same engineering, medicine or law. Many of them know they have different capabilities and want to use those capabilities and their brilliant ideas to start something new and something different.

In the past 5 years or so, we have seen an increase in entrepreneurship. Many of the people usually donโ€™t even have a degree in business but are mostly engineers or some other profession who wake up one day and want to start their own business.

We have all seen people who have such amazing talents and they can use it to start their own company but they lack the push or determination required to start their business.

They need inspiration either by looking at other people and seeing how they are succeeding in their business or the best way to actually learn and get inspiration is by reading books.

Best Books For Entrepreneurs

Most entrepreneurs pen down everything in their life and it can be one the best ways to get inspired.

So if you are a budding entrepreneur or want to start something new of your own and you need a push or some inspirations there are some best books for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs which should help you start your own business.

The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup By Eric Ries

Title: The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Business

Author: Eric Ries

This book is on this list because it tells you that most ideas fail but that doesn’t mean that you should stop there. You can be more innovative and think more logically to keep the business going.

There are a lot of ups and downs but working continuously and using different ideas will actually help you get there. The book also teaches how to use your ideas more productively. They also teach you how to use these ideas to make a large company rather than sticking to small-time startups. This makes it one of the must read books for entrepreneurs.

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Also Read: How to create Podcast on your iPhone or iPad

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

Leaving Microdoft to Change the World By John Wood

Title: Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey to Educate the World’s Children

Author: John Wood.

I think this book is really inspirational because the author here leaves his job in Microsoft and goes on a trip to Nepal. There he learns he can actually use his entrepreneurial skills to help the people from that village and he also learned so much more and it helped him be a better businessman. So go ahead and share that learning with him to get inspired.

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development

The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development By Brant Cooper

Title: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development: A Cheat Sheet to the Four Steps to the Epiphany

Author: Brant Cooper, Patrick Vlaskovits

As the title says itโ€™s a cheat sheet on how to build your business. It gives 4 approaches to help and build your business.

It tells you how to make it a big successful business and helps you to overcome the hurdles which you might face when you plan on starting your own business. You should put this to your must read books for entrepreneurs list.

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APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur

APE- Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur By Guy Kawasaki

Title: APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. How to Publish a Book

Author: Guy Kawasaki, Shawn Welch

This book is basically for people to start their own writing career. It again tells you how to about it and how you can use your entrepreneur skills to publish your book. Itโ€™s a good read and will motivate you to write your own book.

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Entrepreneur Revolution

Entrepreneur Revolution By Daniel Priestley

Title: Entrepreneur Revolution: How to Develop Your Entrepreneurial Mindset and Start a Business That Works

Author: Daniel Priestley

This book is the best book for the people who need the push they need to start thinking like an entrepreneur.

The author tries to tell you that you need to move away from the dinosaur age and start thinking in the now and future for a better and successful business.

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Think And Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

Title: Think And Grow Rich: Entrepreneur and Small Business Owner Edition

Author: Napoleon Hill, Greg Habstritt

This a book which has interviews with 500 successful and wealthy people. It like a cheat sheet and inspirational way of trying to starting your own business.

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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX

Elon Musk- Tesla, SpaceX By Ashlee Vance

Title: Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

Authors: Ashlee Vance

This is one of the best books for entrepreneurs, these books have personal tales of Elon Musk and you can gain some knowledge from this book.

This man is one of the greatest entrepreneur alive and knowing how he did it should be inspirational enough for everyone.

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Girl Code

Girl Code By Cara Alwill Leyba

Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur

Author:  Cara Alwill Leyba, Em Eldridge

This book is for the girls out there who need the motivation to get out of their cocoon and see that women are capable of running their own business. It breaks the stereotype that women donโ€™t have the skills to run a business.

This book also shows that woman can find happiness and everything else they need even while they run their own business.

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Daring & Disruptive

Daring & Disruptive By Lisa Messenger

Title: Daring & Disruptive: Unleashing The Entrepreneur

Author: Lisa Messenger

This book follows the life of the author Lisa Messenger, she narrates the stories that she went through while going through different successful companies and business.

She pens down the important business lessons sheโ€™s learned and how it can help knowing these things before getting into a business.

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How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded A Million Dollar Company

How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company By Varun Agarwal

Title: How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded A Million Dollar Company

Author: Varun Agarwal

This is also one of the best books for entrepreneurs. This book shows the story of Varun and how he braved everyone and went with his guts to finally start a business of his own against all odds.

If this isnโ€™t inspirational enough, then I donโ€™t know what is.

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These are the best books out there for those budding entrepreneurs who need motivation or strategies on how to make their business successful.

There are many books out there but if you could just read at least one of these books you would be inspired to be the best entrepreneur out there. So go ahead and take your pick from these best books for Entrepreneurs.

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About Sanjeev

A passionate blogger and technology enthusiast with more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software development. Over 12 Years of experience in successfully building blogs from scratch.

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